Practus’ assisted the biopharmaceutical company in analyzing the audited workings and financials to produce a bifurcated financial report.
Client Name | Industry | Ownership | Management | No. of Employees | ROI On Fee | Size | Project Duration |
Biopharmaceutical Company | Bio-Pharma | MNC | Professional | 1500-2000 | 5.4x | $12 million | 2 Months |
About The Company
For over 4 decades now, Biopharma has used scientific resources to develop a range of biological, biotech, and pharmaceutical products. Biopharma has been ranked amongst the top 10 Indian biopharmaceutical companies. The Company, founded in 1971, is based in Mumbai, India, and has more than 1500 employees.
Practus’ Role
- Financials preparation at merger cut-off date within a very short time i.e., 20 days.
- CFO needed Practus’ support in delivering the demerged and merged financial statement.
- Ready with detailed working for Statutory audit by Big 4.
- F&A teams are least involved to ensure that routine work is not impacted.
Impact Delivered
- Presenting the draft report in 4 days highlighting areas to be worked upon in detail for financials bifurcation.
- Understood the Audited working and financials to deliver the bifurcated financial statement of the audited year with the least involvement of the F&A team.
- Attended Statutory Audit and addressed all their queries.