Every day, businesses generate vast amounts of data. To make smarter decisions, identify problems, and increase…
Bhavik DesaiClient Solutioning Head, Practus In today’s competitive business landscape, retaining customers is more important than…
~Varun ShankarnarayanEngagement Leader In today’s rapidly changing business environment, CFOs and CIOs are under pressure to…
The business world is on the cusp of a revolution. Evolving technologies like the metaverse are…
-Abhinav KumarEngagement PartnerPractus Digital transformation is on the rise, with businesses across all sectors investing in…
Foram MaruEngagement LeaderPractus Taking your business to the next level often involves implementing an Enterprise Resource…
Bhavik DesaiHead, Client Solutioning, India The world of data analytics is constantly evolving, and 2024 promises…
Varun Shankarnarayan Engagement Leader, Practus Efficient financial closing is crucial for a company’s financial integrity. Timeliness,…
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are like exhilarating rollercoasters: promising exciting heights but also potentially stomach-churning twists…
The thrill of the chase; the adrenaline rush of securing the deal! Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)…
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